Seksualitas Dalam Al-Qur’an:
Mengupas Narasi Seksualitas Dalam al-Qur’an
sexuality, adultery, liwath (sodom), sexual orientationAbstract
This paper tries to elaborate on sexuality portrayed through the messages contained in the Qur'an. The research method in this paper is qualitative which is then described analytically. The findings of this study confirm that the Qur'an very nicely provides guidance on good and correct sexual behavior. It is meant for the benefit of man. Sexuality is not only a matter of intercourse, but more than that. For example, reproductive health, psychological comfort and tranquility, and the quality of the next generation resulting from sexual activity. So, it is necessary to pay attention comprehensively related to this sexuality issue. On the other hand, all human beings have a given sexual orientation or non-negotiable nature, but the actualization of that sexual orientation is an endeavor (choice) for each individual. There are humans who are innate, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, and asexual. All of these sexual orientations have the same potential for actualization of abuse. Therefore, it must be controlled through the noble values of religion so as not to make people fall into the abyss of inevitability
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